Caleb Ranch affiliated with Austin Powerhouse Church, is a thirty-acre location in Priddy Texas within the center of the beautiful Texas Hill Country. This wonderful location is the ideal way to find complete solitude with God. The rolling hills and breathtaking view is just a little over two hours outside the Texas state capital Austin. This multi-functional event facility will be the ideal location for families and individuals searching for a unique transformative connection with God.
And Caleb stilled the people toward Moses, and said: "We should go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. (Numbers 13:30)
Our mission at Caleb Ranch is to prepare our visitors for a transformational journey into new beginnings with Jesus Christ. Caleb Ranch is about faithfully becoming a community of faith where families are restored, marriages transformed, and Lives shaped by the power of Jesus Christ. The vision of Caleb Ranch is about a community of people who participate in God’s mission to heal the world by reestablishing his loving reign on earth as it is in heaven.